- Easier to create and host.
- Cost for a static website is usually lower that a dynamic site
- Quicker to design and build
- Easy to modify with little HTML coding knowledge required
- Well suited to smaller companies that do not need regular content updates
We are offering Dynamic website development services that are all tailored to meet the diverse requirements of our different clients. With our content management system CMS service, you will have user-friendly interface, instant access and complete control over all information.
Peace Soft Technologies specializes in creating any kind of Dynamic website keeping in mind its customer's specific requirements. With a challenging and highly professional Web Design set up of hard-core experienced Web designer Team, we have designed website for Indian and offshore companies and provided dynamic website Design solutions to meet & surpass our client's expectations. You will be amazed to look at the real dynamic web Design applications with user friendly interface, effectiveness and a great amount of interactivity.
- One can add and manage contents, stories, information, photos and videos anytime without the help of webmaster.
- One can add new pages and sections for site’s growth.
- One can save site management time.
- Site administrator can send customized emails to visitors.
- Complex tasks like quoting, estimating and presenting customized sales information can be done by Dynamic Web Site.
- Site administrator can manage visitors in a better way to retain them for long-term such as,
- Create member only section and allow member to manage their own pages.
- Ask for newsletter subscription.
- Ask for new product notification.
- Connect visitors with local salesperson or dealer.
A CMS can be perceived as a hybrid technology of website maintenance and document management system – The delivery, addition, modification or deletion of new or updated content can be achieved simultaneously from different points. Web is being ruled by the introduction of new content every second and in this situation, if we are burdened with a monolithic structure. The management of content should be flexible and systematic.
- Create, edit, and manage all site content from my web browser.
- Add images, videos, audio, links, lists, quotes, etc. easily on each page or blog post.
- Use loads of beautiful and feature rich site templates that reduce the cost of designing and launching websites.
- Utilize and add tons of features (plugins)to extend the functionality of the website and provide a better user experience.
- Setup categories (kinda like file cabinets) to help people find the information they are looking for.
- Easily link sites to google analytics and other web tracking services
- Integrate social media platforms(facebook, twitter, linkedin, etc.) into each site.
- Make each follow best-practice Search Engine Optimization (SEO) conventions.
- Teach people how to use the platform pretty quickly. Not to mention all of the extensive information available online.
- Use the platform for free.
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